I’m a clinical psychologist with over 30 years experience in treating adult and child psychological disorders such as anxiety, OCD, depression, impulsive emotional problems, maladaptive habits, conflictual relationships, and problems associated with neurological disorders such as autism and brain impairment.
In therapy, I emphasise the learning process. We all learn how to think, feel, and do – all influenced by our past and present experiences. Therapy sets out to first, increase self-awareness and understanding of what makes us do what we do and how it’s became a problem, and second, help us learn how to solve problems in line with what we value and find meaningful in life.
I work in private practice as well as for WA Adult Mental Health Services. Also, I’m a former university clinical lecturer and researcher, and an experienced instructor and supervisor of psychologists, nurses, teachers, and support assistants. I have published many clinical studies in journals including Psychotherapy, Behavior Therapy, Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, Behavior Modification, Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy, and Behavioral Interventions.
I look forward to working with you at Perth Psychological Services; I’m available at our North Perth rooms.